kung fu hustle (must-see) صيني
"A new comedy unlike anything you have seen before "

hero (must-see) صيني
"This land doesn't know a real hero. Yet."
House of Flying Daggers (must-see) صيني
"the promise" as usual vibrant colors صيني
Double Vision تيوان -هونج كونج
"There Is Only What You Believe"
missing gun صيني
Double zéro فرنسي
Monsieur Ibrahim (must-see) فرنسي
The Fabulous Destiny of Amelie (must see) فرنسي
"She'll change your life"
Taxi فرنسي - بأجزائة الثلاثة
District B13 فرنسي
"Welcome to District B13 Welcome to the future " osama (must see) افغاني

city of god برازيلي
"Fight and you'll never survive..... Run and you'll never escape"